Panchakarma Sydney – Ayurvedic Detox


Panchakarma Ayurvedic Detox : Bondi Junction Sydney

The Panchakarma process focuses on a five-pronged or five-fold approach to restoring optimum health. Completely individualised, your Panchakarma treatment is designed in consultation with one of the centres Ayurvedic doctors who will advise which treatments are necessary. This is based on a number of factors including:

    • Your body type/Constitution
    • Immune status
    • Digestive strength
    • General health and well-being

The procedures recommended will then be administered by a trained and experienced therapist, in a definite sequence, for a specific period of time. These may include:


Abhyanga Full Body Massage 

Abhyanga or ‘herbal oil massage treatment’, which involves herbal oils being massaged into the body to penetrate deeply through the skin into the tissue and muscles. It encourages the elimination of stagnant waste and allows nutrients to reach starved cells. The result is an increased state of awareness, directing the body’s internal healing system.


Shirodhara Treatment for Stress and Anxiety

Shirodhara or the ‘rebalancing treatment’, which involves a continuous flow of herbal oil being poured gently across the forehead to calm the mind and spirit.


Kizhi Herbal Pouch Massage for Aches and Pain 

Helps in pain management and stress reduction.

 In this treatment, 18 specialised, heated herbs are infused with oils and then tied in a muslin cloth to create a pouch. These pouches are then placed on the specific areas as per the treatment requirement. This is followed by localised massage in which pressure is applied with respect to your individual needs. Dating back thousands of years, this treatment is Ayurveda’s ultimate pain relief therapy. The herbs used in the treatment have pain alleviation properties, and are specifically customised to fit your individual body type



Pizzichilli a luxury ‘free-flowing’ treatment that involves a constant flow of two litres of warm herbal oil being poured gently over the body. The synchronicity of the message and the warmth of the oil provide a cleansing of individualised.


Heart Basti for Emotional Healing and Respiratory Issues 


Heart Basti – Heart basti is an Ayurvedic treatment for the heart, both the physical heart and the emotional heart. In this treatment warm medicated herbal oil is retained within a specially formed dough ring over the area of the heart chakra. This treatment helps relieve deep-seated repressed emotions like stress, anger, grief. It improves blood circulation and breathing and nourishes and strengthens the cardiac muscles. It also helps strengthen the respiratory system. Helps give a sense of peace and happiness. 

Helps in repiratory diseases, energizes the ehart, chakra, relieves stress and anxiety. Balances Vata Dosha. 



Udvartana, which involves a healing warm oil massage to encourage the elimination of toxins deep within the body and tissues followed by an exfoliation treatment with an Ayurvedic herbal paste to enliven and revitalise the skin.



Nasya is an ancient Ayurvedic nasal treatment that combines a head, neck and shoulder massage with organic aromatherapy products and the application of warmed herbal oil to the nasal cavity.


Greeva Basti

Helps in pain management, relieves tension and stiffness, improves and balances Vata, Pitta & kapha dosha.


Janu Basti

Helps boost blood circulation, thus strenghtening and nourishing the knee joints.

How will the process unfold?

    • Initial Consultation – Your initial consultation for detox will begin with an Ayurvedic consultant conducting a thorough examination. This enables your Doctor to prescribe a program that is tailor-made for your own specific health issue. As you progress through your treatment program, you will be given specific instructions regarding diet and essential oils and herbs to be used at home. When used correctly, your digestive organs and liver will be stimulated, resulting in the elimination of toxins.
    • Set aside 5-7 days – Your treatment will unfold over a series of consecutive days (5 or 7) so make sure to clear your schedule
    • Prepare to adjust your diet – The perfect food to accompany your detox will be provided for you during Panchakarma. You can support the process by ensuring you are drinking plenty of water and caffeine-free herbal teas and steering clear of any processed foods.
    • Schedule in plenty of rest – It is normal to feel quite tired during the initial stages of your detox. Honour your body and mind by resting as much as possible.

While Panchakarma is normally a comfortable and enjoyable experience, there may be some discomfort associated with the intense release of body toxins. That’s why it’s imperative that a trained expert administers Panchakarma because they will recognize the signs of proper (and improper) Panchakarma therapy. Detox Panchakarma Program Details For more information, contact us at 02 9389 2581 to discuss your needs with our qualified and experienced staff. 

Google Reviews:

I had my first 7-day detox here recently – all of the team were so supportive, friendly and kind. The effects of the detox have been amazing and still lasting 2 months since completing the detox. Having my eyes opened to the Ayurvedic way of living has been a wonderful experience and I would highly recommend the Ayurvedic Wellness Clinic to anyone suffering from stress – to wake up feeling refreshed, no aches & pains and no headaches after suffering for years has been just amazing! – Bron.C
If you are seeking an authentic traditional holistic healing experience, I highly recommend the Ayurvedic Wellness Centre. The practitioners and staff are dedicated and highly professional, and the treatment rooms are first class. I have had amazing results after completing the 7 day detox program and taking the Ayurvedic herbal supplements prescribed. My rheumatoid arthritis has gone into complete remission and I am medication free. – Sandra O’Malley